Can anyone set up RSBot for me?


Old School
Old School
Aug 22, 2007
I'm trying to download RSBot, but I keep getting these 4 files when I download it and don't even get the client.

Yes, I have JDK...

Can anyone teamview me and help?
rs bot

I have the same issue, the thing is, was bought by some company and now it sucks and its not use. :(
very sadd..
I'm trying to download RSBot, but I keep getting these 4 files when I download it and don't even get the client.

Yes, I have JDK...

Can anyone teamview me and help?

pics? that would be easier to show ppl the problem so they can help :p
you have to save it as a zip. so when u download save it as cuz if you dont u get rsbots.exc and its the folders you see
the ranging guild isnt working for me, its not clicking the target any tips?
and it was be4, every since new 1 came it stopped
the ranging guild isnt working for me, its not clicking the target any tips?
and it was be4, every since new 1 came it stopped

You just probably need a new version of this script, try checking its thread at powerbot to see if it have a new version, if not, u need to wait until they update it :]
Thanks sooooooo much to Disruptor for helping me out!!! BIG VOUCH!
RSBuddy is better.. it sounds cheesy but is very easy and runs well.
the ranging guild isnt working for me, its not clicking the target any tips?
and it was be4, every since new 1 came it stopped

You need to switch it to fixed view in the display settings (full-sized window).
And make sure that the target is in sight. It doesn't seem to want to pan around and look for it.
you might be able to find some kind of guide online that could help you. Its probably just something simple, like changing the file type, or adding an extra folder.