Facts about food!


New member
Jul 10, 2008
Everyone post up your facts about food

The more you post the more i post

Americans are the largest producers of apples at a whopping 10 billion pounds.

Over 50% of American apples are produced in Washington State.

The Dutch are the biggest apple eaters at 100 pounds per person

Americans eat 800 million pounds of Balogna eat year

Hamburgers and Hotdogs are actually German, from Hamburg and Frankfurt respectively

Americans consume 8.5 billion hot dogs each year.

Hawaii is the largest consumers of SPAM, with 4.7 million cans sold annually

Dole foods owns one of the hawiian islands, Lanai. They purchased it for $1.1 million in 1922 and use it as a pineapple plantation.

Hawaii produces 75% of the world's pineapples. 95% pineapples of those are canned.

Pro Tip - Just watch the History Channel you fools.


or read this.

just trying to have fun on forums. If you don't like the thread or can't contribute to it then don't post, simple.

or read this.

just trying to have fun on forums. If you don't like the thread or can't contribute to it then don't post, simple.

I was just giving you a hard time budd.

I like learning new things. I just watch the History channel so much theirs nothing for me to learn :awesome:

Florida is the state in the U.S that produces the most Oranges.
Rage me some more?

Although will it really ever affect me?

I don't think so...Cause It's the internet I don't give two ****s what you kids think about me. I have my real friends In real life, Do I really need you goons on the forums? NO

So don't start with me. You welfare piece of shet.

1.you are just aweful
2.sincerley my ****ing arse
3.what friends irl? you dont have any.
lets take the flaming elsewhere...

roses and apples are in the same family of plants

Tomatoes are actually berries.

Fruits are the sexual parts of the plant whereas vegetables are roots, stems, or leaves. This makes nuts fruits, tomatoes and peas fruits.
How bout not? Cause everytime I try to have a nice convo with someone that I'm just joking about this stupid scumbag comes and rages me.

So I guess I'll rage to.

Have fun being banned...

Johnny Appleseed, otherwise know as John Chapman was a real person. He moved throughout the Ohio Valley planting apples, and at one point owned 1200 acres of land

Indiana is the largest duck producing state.

Lobsters were once the seafood of the poor.

Bluefin tuna can weigh up to 1000 pounds. These are only the bluefin found in the atlantic. Pacific bluefin are around 10 times smaller, usually weighing around 80 pounds.
There's three types of food eaters.
1. Omnivores, they eat both meat and plants. ( the average human )
2. Carnivores, they eat only meat, usually these types of eaters are animals, because humans would be very unhealthy if all they ate was meat.
3. Herbivores, they only eat plant type foods, such as fruits and vegitables. Reasons of this are usually religous or they just want to be super skinny.
3. Herbivores, they only eat plant type foods, such as fruits and vegitables. Reasons of this are usually religous or they just want to be super skinny.

An interesting thing about the super skinny part.

anorexic people actually have higher fat content than your average person.

The muscle in the body decays before the fat, so anorexics are indeed skinny fat people.
all the vegans/vegatarians i know are very unhealthy and quite out of shape.

also they grow ******s all over their bodies.
America imports 4 billion dollars worth of coffee yearly
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Some people have sex with grapefruits...
