Mortal Kombat GET OVER HEREE


New member
Jan 26, 2011
So if there are any hardcore old school sega MK nerds out there that used to game it up back in the day the newest edition to the MK series is being released on April 19th :) they said they're going to give it an old school feeling and all the characters are getting there old Fatalities back

Here's a sneak peak. Kratos from God of War will be available as a character <3
I don't see kratos fit to be in here but W.E, it looks cool otherwise.
Mortal Komabt is a low bit rapid click random buttons game. Haha.
Jehovah... I don't know what it is.
Yeah PS3 users get Kratos I think 360 users get that spider monkey from Assassins Creed

There are spider monkeys in AC? o_O


Damn, the game's changed.
This is awesome, I'll go get it once it comes out.

Also, Sega MK? Screw that, SNES Mortal Kombat II is where it's at.