To-Do List Sept. 6th, 2023


Dec 8, 2010
This thread will focus on highlighting bugs and other problems in the game that need to be fixed and their priority levels.

Top Priority (Today or tomorrow at the latest)

XP rates for fletching unstrung shortbows/longbows need to be updated immediately
Currently all unstrungs grant the same xp no matter the log/type being fletched. This is forcing players to hold onto their logs and just wait it out until fixed.
Here is the base XP rates for said unstrung bows:

 private double[][] exp =   { {  5,  10 }, {  16.5, 25 }, { 33.3, 41.5 },
                  { 50,  58.3 }, { 67.5, 75 }, { 83.3, 91.5 } };

I believe Plasma kept the same XP modifier as the original 3.0 which is 4.5x so you would multiply the values above by 4.5 to get the true XP from fletching bows.

Medium Priority (Sometime this week or up to 7 days)
1.) "Double drop" visual bug which shows 2x any NPC drop and after picking up the real items from the floor the duplicate items remain on the ground and do not disappear.

2.) Issue with protection prayers not working properly when more than 1 player is attacking the same NPC and working irregularly

3.) When thieving from the chests (lvl 70 / lvl 85) sometimes the chests 'bug-out' and remain open and no longer reset to closed and allow players to thieve from them.

4.) Constant game client freezes when players nearby either teleport, change height levels (by using ladders/stairs), or die. We think it has something to do with region changing/updating.

Honorable Mentions - Suggestions

High alching requires 2 nature runes instead of 1 - Please change to require only 1 nature rune

Smelting bars and smithing is entirely too slow - Please increase tick speed of smelting & smithing

Crystal bow is a 2handed weapon -- Please revert it to being a 1handed weapon along with all the other bows so that shields can be equipped w/ bows

There is only one agility course at the moment and it only gives 1x agility tickets per lap and ticket exchange does not reward player with herbs:
*Suggest to add more courses in the near future
*Increase tickets per lap from 1x to 2x (for Gnome agility course like it was on the original 3.0)
*Add chance to receive assorted herbs when exhanging agility tickets with the gnome (Currently there is no way for skiller to obtain herbs)

Fishing is currently the slowest of the 3 gathering skills - Please update fishing so it isn't as slow and on par with the other 2 gatherer skills

This is the current code for fishing:
int chance = player.getSkills().getLevel(Skills.FISHING) - (fishingSpot.getRequiredLevels()[0] * 5);
        if(chance < 20)
            chance = 20;
        if(chance > 80)
            chance = 80;
        double roll = Math.random() * 100;
        if(roll <= chance){
        } else {

Suggest changing it to:

int chance = 20 (player.getSkills().getLevel(Skills.FISHING) - fishingSpot.getRequiredLevels()[0]);

Hatchets & pickaxes barely help when using them - Suggest buffing hatchets and pickaxes atleast enough so that you can tell the difference when using them

Prayer doesn't restore to full on death - Suggest prayer skill restoring to full on death

I'd like to give credit to the helpful community for posting these bugs & suggestions on the discord
Special thanks to Arch337 for supplying the more detailed information
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Game breaking things sure they're urgent. But deadlines aren't necessary, I'm sure they'll be fixed in due time. I imagine Plasma has a life outside of Dodian
Not sure how fletching be slow is a top priority. It'll get dealt with when it's time. Plasma is only one person. No need for deadlines on this.