Anyone there?

Yeah, the project died a little bit ago unfortunately. There's always .net. It won't ever go offline and one of the Devs that worked on this also fulltime devs .net. Worth looking into. Either way, sorry there isn't more for you here.
Missing you guys. I've left the Discord channel because it's been tough seeing it fade away.
In retrospect, it was insane how we had all of this momentum on an unfinished/unpolished server. Then it was publicly announced that essentially the server (with our progress) would be abandoned and would be obsolete due to this unreleased, "no timeline" "OSRS" Dodian server.

Any software engineer, especially those who've worked on RSPS, should know that a project of this scale would take a minimum of months to complete, even with fulltime hours.

This always seems to happen to these kinds of servers. Leadership wants to do a massive change on a nostalgic/old school server and realizes they are in over their heads and gets burned out.

The health of the community is just as important as the quality and content of a server.
In retrospect, it was insane how we had all of this momentum on an unfinished/unpolished server. Then it was publicly announced that essentially the server (with our progress) would be abandoned and would be obsolete due to this unreleased, "no timeline" "OSRS" Dodian server.

Any software engineer, especially those who've worked on RSPS, should know that a project of this scale would take a minimum of months to complete, even with fulltime hours.

This always seems to happen to these kinds of servers. Leadership wants to do a massive change on a nostalgic/old school server and realizes they are in over their heads and gets burned out.

The health of the community is just as important as the quality and content of a server.
Preach brother.

P.S. Miss you too Mark. Austin can suck my cock. o.0 too much?