!!!New Highscores!! - USER LOOKUP


You don't have permission to access /dodian/ on this server.
Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at codersunite.org Port 80"

Why don't you make a script that goes through EVERY single stats page and grabs EVER user on EVERY page of the highscores on Dodian.
Why don't you make a script that goes through EVERY single stats page and grabs EVER user on EVERY page of the highscores on Dodian.

Cause if I did that, it would make me Rick.
Takes me to errors or not uploading the page, but it's not meant
to be perfect.
Looks nice.
Why are they called DeathzScape Highscores? Lol :p
I see some bugs, but the main pieces are working fine.
The actual website part isnt mine, I got it from rune-server. I'm dumping the highscores at the momment and then importing them into my own database. I'll fix some of the links now.
It's alright I guess, the pages at the bottom should be fixed.