NFL Super Bowl

Patriots Tom Brady always chokes in crucial situations.

Michael Vick can possibly bring the Eagles to the Super Bowl
Definitely Detroit Lions..

I'm kidding. I say Falcons vs. Pats, or Pats vs. Jets.
I'm from Atlanta, and I'm a die hard Falcons fan, but I'm not sure they can make it. The Eagles are the only team in the NFC that can beat the Falcons, and I think we will see them in the NFC Championship. I think it'll be Falcons/Eagles vs. Patriots/Steelers. I hope for Falcons vs. Pats.
I'm from Atlanta, and I'm a die hard Falcons fan, but I'm not sure they can make it. The Eagles are the only team in the NFC that can beat the Falcons, and I think we will see them in the NFC Championship. I think it'll be Falcons/Eagles vs. Patriots/Steelers. I hope for Falcons vs. Pats.

Atlanta is looking good this year and I would love it if they made it to the super bowl. I just hope to god the patriots don't go
I'd like to see an unfamiliar face like the KC Chiefs or the Jaguars (who are most likely going to the playoffs) - but I predict a Patriots/Falcons superbowl.
My bet is on the Eagles. Vick is leading the team and the recent win really got my hopes up. Merry Vickmas ;)
I really think it'll be between Eagles and Falcons in NFC. My doubts will be conformed if the Falcons beat the Saints on Monday Night.
I really think it'll be between Eagles and Falcons in NFC. My doubts will be conformed if the Falcons beat the Saints on Monday Night.
I'm hoping the Saints will win :D

EDIT: Wooo Saints beat the Falcons at their own home field!