The bird is the word


Old School
Apr 19, 2007
Congratulations are in store for the following (temp) player moderators:
I know many of you submitted applications, and we will keep them on file during the next round of picks as the server grows.

Rank Changes:
As forums seemingly are being killed off year by year, Player Moderators will have perms to all areas of Dodian. Forum Mods will be removed, and Global Moderators will be based more closely to "Sr. Mods" granting higher permissions and overrides.

In other news, we are getting pretty close to a "Rares event"... I would love to see some fun / engaging ideas on how the rares should be given out. (needs to be something that all players can jump into (mains/skillers)).
This can literally be anything like an actual event, quest, random, party house, hide 'n seek, let's hear it!

Congratulations, all well deserved.
I kinda liked the idea of the eggs being on a boss, although I'm not sure what you could do for skillers.
Kyle doesn't fit in with all the "S" theme. Jkjk great picks all around!

EDIT: Make "Player Moderators" just "Moderators" and in future add "Senior Moderators" or "Super Moderators" etc.
I can’t believe Volume/Nobility isn’t on this list

Great squad nonetheless though, gz lads. Don’t forget to check the thieving chest.

On the rares -> anything besides a drop party, whoever has pid will get half of the rares released into the game