
Official Server Poll

  • Stats: Import Ub3r stats

    Votes: 12 38.7%
  • Stats: Import Ub5r stats

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stats: Everyone starts fresh

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • Items: Import Ub3r items

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Items: Import Ub5r items

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Items: Import Ub3r items (Account Trade-locked)

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Items: Import Ub5r items (Account Trade-locked)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Items: Everyone starts fresh

    Votes: 17 54.8%
  • Content: Original Ub3r content

    Votes: 17 54.8%
  • Content: Original Ub5r content

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • Content: New content (Please reply)

    Votes: 3 9.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
When can we expect a discord to be made? Forums are lack-luster for community now a days.
I've thought about this quite a lot and it seems quite easy to make a discord linked to XF. Assuming @Nozemi is open to the idea, I'd love for the .net and .com discords be connected to the main Dodian community channel. Then create a bot that links the dodian.com XF into it. Though I'd need super admin rights to do so. Otherwise we may just have to create another Discord server if they would rather keep it separate.
I've thought about this quite a lot and it seems quite easy to make a discord linked to XF. Assuming @Nozemi is open to the idea, I'd love for the .net and .com discords be connected to the main Dodian community channel. Then create a bot that links the dodian.com XF into it. Though I'd need super admin rights to do so. Otherwise we may just have to create another Discord server if they would rather keep it separate.
Until then, one should definitely be made ahead of time.
My vote is for original Ub3r all the way across the board. I am taking into account the people who may not be aware of this site yet. I feel a full restoration is bringing back Ub3r completely
What would be smart is all of the above, in a sense. You should restore the backup(s) and allow everybody to pickup where they left off. You'll bring back to player base from many moons ago. The people voting right now are the same people who have been recycled between the different communities since Dodian closed, of course they'd want a fresh start - be mindful of those who would return for the original content and accounts, that they never thought they'd see again. Further to this, there should be a 'Fresh Start World' where everything is reset and people can experience the beginning of 3.0 again. Don't tradelock the original 3.0, just let it exist in an entirely different realm.
What would be smart is all of the above, in a sense. You should restore the backup(s) and allow everybody to pickup where they left off. You'll bring back to player base from many moons ago. The people voting right now are the same people who have been recycled between the different communities since Dodian closed, of course they'd want a fresh start - be mindful of those who would return for the original content and accounts, that they never thought they'd see again. Further to this, there should be a 'Fresh Start World' where everything is reset and people can experience the beginning of 3.0 again. Don't tradelock the original 3.0, just let it exist in an entirely different realm.
Ideally, if I were to do things, and we pretend I had the time to do things the right way, I'd do this:
  1. Recreate Uber 3.0 1:1 with the original one, this on a better codebase than the original Uber one (probably OSRS base).
  2. Create two worlds; one with a fresh start, that wipes every so often. The other with the original Uber 3.0 characters, etc. As well as the option to play any of the seasonal characters you had. Maybe even the option to combine all your seasonal character stats into one account and play that.
  3. Create a third world, where we go about things similar to how Brian did one of the iterations of .net. Where he revamped the entirety of the content pretty much, and rewrote combat. Generally made a really good server from what I can recall.
  4. Have a fixed website, where things are working much better. There we could sell cosmetic items from loyalty points or something like that. Have functional voting. Some convenient features, such as drop lists, world map, etc. for noobs to more easily find what they need.
This is my idea for the beginning to the perfect Dodian remake anyway - seems I'm not the only one who have thought about doing it this way or similar though. :)
What would be smart is all of the above, in a sense. You should restore the backup(s) and allow everybody to pickup where they left off. You'll bring back to player base from many moons ago. The people voting right now are the same people who have been recycled between the different communities since Dodian closed, of course they'd want a fresh start - be mindful of those who would return for the original content and accounts, that they never thought they'd see again. Further to this, there should be a 'Fresh Start World' where everything is reset and people can experience the beginning of 3.0 again. Don't tradelock the original 3.0, just let it exist in an entirely different realm.
This is mainly for the opening server and to make sure all of our bugs are ironed out, we'll probably do an ub3r 1:1 with the official server back-end with ub3r accounts etc as well as fresh start, same with ub5r. But I wanted to at least get one off the ground as the "official" that we can sculpt into what we want as a community then add in the classic servers later down the road as we deem the server "bug free" and exit the "beta" title of it if that makes sense.
I genuinely believe that the official server should pick up where Ub3r left off, before those updates that led to its unfortunate downtime. New players could experience the magic of a fresh start, while veterans could resume progress
I just really want to see my account from the good ole days and what I had on it. Maybe one server for the old accounts and one for start-fresh. That would be lit
I just really want to see my account from the good ole days and what I had on it. Maybe one server for the old accounts and one for start-fresh. That would be lit
Note: I know you saw this on Discord, but wanted to post here so everyone can see this as well.
Hey @Kyle_ the official server back-end will be used to create a classic version of ub3r and ub5r after the official server has been deemed stable. All old users will be able to access their old accounts / stats / items on the classic servers